Existing Building


extg schl iext 3



extg schl intern



extg schl iext 2


The existing Medicine school is located at the North West of the village sharing a courtyard with the Monastery. The school was opened at the begining of the 1990’s and was run by an old traditional doctor. Between 2001-2006 it was supported by Eco Himal and since 2007 an Austrian and a German organization provide enough funding to keep the school going. For more info: www.schule-macht-schule.at.

The village premises are only used from April till mid November, the winter school is usually arranged in the big town, Pokhara at a much lower elevation.
There are 5-10 monks living on one side of the courtyard (single storey) and 21 students with 2-3 teachers and a cook on the other side (two storey). The lower level is partly in the ground and consists of 3 dormitory rooms. There is only one classroom and an incomplete washroom. The rooms are small and cold, only have windows to the west and children often share beds with very limited storage space. The courtyard level has a warm east walkway, a dormitory, the doctor’s room, and the praying room. The praying room is used for self study, praying. classes and senior dining. There is a tiny store with the cook’s bed, then the only functioning toilet/shower room and the kitchen.
On the cold days we held classes in the kitchen, the only place that was slightly warmer as a result of the cooking. All spaces are used beyond their capacity, and there is no option to expand.